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The most efficient and practical way to do this is by adding multiple cultivars that benefit each other to our pasture stand, as well as utilising cover crop options in our rotations to help reach our goal for the paddock.
Be it: Organic, lifting N reserves in the soil, breaking up compacted soil, fumigating soil, creating rich green manure reserves, building soil structure.
Nature has cost effective answers for us.
To reach your farming goals you need to combine the right species at the correct seeding rates. Consideration of seasonal, climatic conditions as well as the condition of your paddock and its history also affect cultivar selection and seeding rates
We will help you to design the right mix from our list of cultivars to increase your profit
With environmental pressures being placed on pastoral farms, farmers need to start thinking about using pasture species that are going to perform best under nitrogen or water restrictions.
Visit EnviroPastures for more info
Learn what the experts say:
Dr Christine Jones is an internationally renowned and highly respected ground cover and soils ecologist.
Dr Jones’ research work has some of the most powerful information for farmers to help reduce input costs and increase profits.
Some must read papers for progressive farmers are listed below :
- Nitrogen: the double-edged sword
- Mycorrhizal fungi – powerhouse of the soilÂ
- Building soil carbon with yearlong green farming
For more information, please visit amazingcarbon.com