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Any successful project, be it big or small, has one thing at its core: effective collaboration, and we can achieve it with knowledge sharing.
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Gabe Brown: Keys To Building a Healthy Soil
This video features Gabe Brown and his Keys To Building a Healthy Soil, filmed on Nov. 18th 2014 at the Idaho Center for Sustainable Agriculture’s annual symposium. Watch the video… ...
Pasture Cropping and Grazing
Colin Seis, this year’s winner of the national Bob Hawke Landcare Award, shares his extensive knowledge of Pasture Cropping, a regenerative agriculture concept that he and Darryl Clough came up with in the 1990’s. Colin has since refined Pasture Cropping and is having outstanding success on not only his own property, but on over 2000 ...
Biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning in a 15-year grassland experiment
Abstract In the past two decades, a large number of studies have investigated the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, most of which focussed on a limited set of ecosystem variables. The Jena Experiment was set up in 2002 to investigate the effects of plant diversity on element cycling and trophic interactions, using a multi-disciplinary approach. Here, ...
Biodiversity for multifunctional grasslands
Abstract. Modern grassland management seeks to provide many ecosystem services and experimental studies in resource-poor grasslands have shown a positive relationship between plant species richness and a variety of ecosystem functions. Thus, increasing species richness might help to enhance multifunctionality in managed grasslands if the relationship between species richness and ecosystem functioning is equally valid in ...
Regenerative agriculture
Introduction Development of synthetic fertilizers, hybrid crops, genetically modified crops, and policies that decouple farmer decisions from market demands all helped create a modern food production system which reduces the diversity of foods that are produced (Fausti & Lundgren, 2015; Pretty, 1995). This simplification of our food system contributes to climate change (Carlsson-Kanyama & Gonzalez, 2009), ...
Healthy Soil, Healthy Farms, Healthy Communities
On a crisp morning in September, North Dakota farmer Gabe Brown held two handfuls of soil and searched for signs of life—theoretically not a difficult task considering one teaspoon of humus contains more organisms than there are humans in the world. But many of the bacteria and invertebrates that lurk in the dark basement of ...
Can Responsible Grazing Make Beef Climate-Neutral?
There’s no denying Americans eat a lot of meat. In fact, the average U.S. citizen eats about 55 pounds of beef a year, including an estimated three hamburgers a week, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) expects that amount to increase by about 3 percent by 2025. This heavy reliance on animal protein carries a ...